05 January 2006

So here's what gets me. Christians all over who are not part of the 700 Club look at some of the things Pat Robertson says with disdain, and feel that he's not following the way that the Bible speaks (lovey-dovey and the like). Yet, he quotes the Bible. WTF is up with that? Can't these other Christians SEE that he's merely stating the sorts of things that the BIBLE says to do? Don't they READ their Bibles? God is not a kind and loving-of-all-peoples god. He's a selfish, vengeful and merciless god. How can anyone follow something like that? It boggles my mind.

And here's a delightful excerpt from the cbn.com website:
"Before the president's announcement, I had the privilege of going over a briefing book that was provieded by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). The book contained a short list of justice candidates who fit the president's judicial philosophy, and I am delighted to say that John Roberts was at the top of this list, though at the time, we thought the president would select a woman to replace Justice O'Connor.

"This man is superbly qualified. He has personally litigated 39 cases before the Supreme Court. He is a distinguished jurist and one of the most highly-regarded judicial scholars in America. When you look at the life of this man and his measured approach to the law, his confirmation should be assured."


Also on this page, is a "prayer points" list. The first one reads:

"Pray that the person God desires would be appointed to the Supreme Court."

This totally made me laugh. I mean, come on. Wouldn't it be hilarious if someone ELSE were picked for the seat? Or at the very least that Roberts wouldn't rule as they hope he would? (One of the points they hope for is that Roe vs Wade be overturned.)

Another delightful prayer point is:
"Pray that the Ten Commandments would be more than just an historical memorial for the justices of the Supreme Court, but that their truth would reign in their hearts."

I'm sorry, but their religion should have no place in their rulings. They should rule based upon the law, and not their personal opinions, and anyone who does so should be removed, IMO.